Mission Accomplished


Dirty Harry should learn that wishing does not make it so!

  Harry Reid made a serious, unsubstantiated claim about Mitt Romney   not pay any taxes for 10 years.

Yeah Harry, You tell em!  Tell em to vote for the guy who bails out failing companies such as Solyndra and wont Audit the Fed to show the us where trillions of dollars were spent.. YEAH!! YOU TELL EM!!
Oh and Harry,  one more thing, go f**k yourself you intestinal parasite!

 And Dingy Harry! Show YOUR Tax Returns and while at it, find Komrade Obama's College Transcripts, Birth Certificate, and Thesis, so that we can all see!
Dingy Harry! Show YOUR Tax Returns and while at it, find Kom Rade Obama's College Transcripts and Thesis, so that we can all see
Dingy Harry! Show YOUR Tax Returns and while at it, find Kom Rade Obama's College Transcripts and Thesis, so that we can all see
Dingy Harry! Show YOUR Tax Returns and while at it, find Kom Rade Obama's College Transcripts and Thesis, so that we can all see

Dingy Harry! Show YOUR Tax Returns and while at it, find Kom Rade Obama's College Transcripts and Thesis, so that we can all see


Obama is trying to suppress the military vote.!

Obama's campaign is trying to restrict military voting in Ohio. The Kenyan flop-flopper is at it again.
So once again his arrogance has another slimy trick up his sleeve.