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Liberal Ideology Vs. Conservative Ideology

Will the debates be on Liberal Ideology Vs. Conservative Ideology?  I really doubt it.
I truly believe that most Americans these days have no idea of how ignorant and misinformed they are and kept that way by today's Liberal media. Even and especially college students who are a product of today’s liberal or much worse progressive education, and who are brain-washed by the ultra Progressive teachings of the Leftist Professors. It has been proven that 72 percent of those teaching at American Universities and Colleges are liberal and a mere 15 percent are conservative..
Today’s College graduates are like little windup dolls, whatever they are taught they swallow, they have no minds of their own and this is your Progressives of today.  It seems as it the main thing on their minds is who is going to give them Free Cell Phones!
As for the debates, the media isn’t going to judge the debates on what is said or on who had the best ideals, plans etc, but on the amount of Mitt Romney's gaffes.
Not only do they not know much basic history, most of what they have been led to believe is false, deliberately twisted, spun
Barack Obama and the Democrat/Liberal Party are living proof that the Leftist zombies rule the Media, the movie industry, the TV industry, the entertainment industry, colleges and universities, public education, law schools, and every place else that counts. All you have to do is to listen to the crap that comes out of a Rap singers filthy mouth to understand what I am saying.
So what are we to do? Are we to just put up our hands and give up? No, I say no because things are looking up. And why do I say that? First, the bad news,, Barack Obama is the worst president that the USA has ever seen, and he has influenced our young people beyond what they could have ever imagined. Now, the good news: I believe Barack Obama has awakened a sleeping giant in the age group of 18 to 29. Today’s counterculture is rejecting the un-American and idiotic Progressive policy agenda pushed by this president and his socialist sycophants. President Hopey Changey and Democrats in Congress have shown that their incomprehensible deficit spending and a national debt that is climbing minuet by minuet and is currently at the unheard of figure of 16 trillion, has made these kids rebel quickly. And yes, Osama bin Laden is dead, and so is our economy.
 And hopefully that’s what we can look forward to with a President Romney in 2013

Isn't there something is very strange about this?

This is the President of the United States. How can the Secret Service allow a stranger to actually pick him up like this?

Unless this was a Set Up photo-op!

After a visit to a Florida pizza shop Scott Van Duzer, the owner of the Big Apple Pizza, who is clearly a fan of the president. Lifted him off the ground in a  bear hug to show his appreciation... (of what I don't know) . And the Good Old Boy that he is Obama could not contain his delight as he laughed heartily with the pizza shop owner after he was finally set down on the ground in front of shocked customers and some of the President's staff.
Now come on folks, this was so staged that it isn't even funny.  If you look around, there isn't a Secret Service person  anywhere near him, so what the hell!

Either this is a staged Photo-Op or the Secret Service people on this job should be fired immediately.  And if it wasn't staged, why didn't the guy have 50 bullets in him? 
Either way this wasn't exactly very presidential, to say the least.

The Dull And Boring Democratic Convention

If you watched The Democratic National Convention, then I'm sure you found it to be as  dull and as boring as I did.   It was dull and boring because you and I  have heard that some old crap known as "Hope and Change" before.  The Democratic National Convention was filled with stupid and nonsensical speeches from that same old bunch Obama  surrogates that we have been bombarded with for months, and years.  Crazy Uncle Joe Biden with his dog and pony show line  "Bin Laden is dead,and GM is alive" Kind of gets you fidgety and itchy just listening to it, doesn't it?   It's kind of hard to hold an audience when everyone knows and has heard the ending.

And when The Democratic National Convention ended Thursday night with a speech by President Barack Obama, I thought that it was really Bill Clinton who was running for election instead of Obama.
Clint Eastwood talking to an empty chair was more exciting that Obama's entire speech.
An enpty chair was more exciting than an  empty suit!